If you want your WordPress site to rank well in search engines like Google, you must have a WordPress SEO plugin. Optimizing your site is very important for search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will increase traffic to your website through organic search engine results. If your site or blog is SEO-friendly, it will rank higher on Google and other search engines. Higher ranked websites gain more search engine traffic, which increases commercially significantly.
For any newcomer, getting higher search engine rankings is not easy. However, search engine optimization is a bit easier with the WordPress SEO plugin. Therefore, it includes many functions and strategies that can be difficult to implement without the help of WordPress SEO plugins. A decent SEO plugin will help you create meta tags and descriptions based on your preferred keywords. You have no idea what to do and how to get started but there is nothing better than WordPress SEO plugin.
In this article, we are going to discuss the top 5 WordPress SEO plugins you should use in 2021.
1. Premium SEO Pack – WordPress SEO Plugin
Let’s start with the meaning of SERP. It stands for ‘Search Engine Result Pages’. They are the pages in Google in which results are displayed for your online search queries.
On Google, these pages display a combination of paid adverts and organic results.
SERP involves a combination of on-page optimization, constant/periodic content creation and authority building through trustworthy back-links.
Having good SERP positions is crucial to ensure your website is found easily for the right searches.
This is why our improved SERP Module comes with a lot of New Features!
Premium SEO Pack’s powerful SERP Rank Tracking Module retrieves search engine Rankings for pages and keywords, and stores them for easy comparison later.
It’s so easy to add keywords to the tracking module, simply select them from your focus keywords or add them manually! Also, you can track up to 5 competitors!
Also, we have another module added, it’s Website Statistics! You can compare your website evolution between 2 dates, and choose to include competitors as well (or not).
The first stat is your Website Score for the Keywords entered for a certain search engine (let’s say and it’s based on an algorithm that finds your website pages and keywords that are in top 100.
Next is the keywords rankings summary – this one shows if on your website, your ranking moved up or down and if your keywords are in top 1,3,5,10,30,50 or 100.
The last stats are for the keywords, too see their evolution, when they were last checked, and each keyword’s position on google searches.
Last but not the least is the Report Module. There are 2 types of reports. One for Website Stats and one for Keyword Rank Changes.
Both reports can be viewed in the admin area, downloaded as PDF’s or sent by e-mail.
In Version 2.3 of Premium SEO Pack we’ve dramatically improved the Google Analytics Module & the Pagespeed Insights as well.
Starting from the interface design, to the functionality – we’ve also added Easy Setup for both of them!
The Google Analytics module how has an easy setup wizard, where you simply connect your analytics account with Premium SEO Pack plugin. There’s no longer mandatory to create your own application on google console & all the fuss.
The Pagespeed Module also comes with a working key now, you can use it straight away!
The NEW Google Analytics Interface
Using the new Google Analytics Interface, you will see real time statistics and how your website is performing right now.
Audience ChartHere you can see a graph consisting of:
- Page Views
- New Visits
- Unique Page Views
- Visit Bounce Rate
You can also filter the date from when to display the infos.
Top Channels – The Top Channel Pie Chart will show you the traffic that comes to your website trough certain channels.
- Referral
- Organic Search
- Direct
- Social
- Affiliates
Top Pages / Posts Here you can filter to show Page or Page title, and for each page to see how many hits it had and:
- Pageviews
- Unique Pageviews
- Avg. Time on Page
- Entrances
- Bounce Rate
- % Exit
- Page Value
One of Premium SEO Pack’s Newest features is the possibility to add multiple focus keywords on your post in order to better optimize it!
When searching google people usually use as keywords words that are slightly similar or synonyms. If you want to rank a post for multiple focus keywords, now you have this possibility using the Premium SEO Pack.
It’s now super easy to add multiple focus keywords and optimize your text. You can add a maximum of 10 different focus keywords.
2. WordPress Auto Spinner – Articles Rewriter WordPress SEO Plugin
WordPress Auto Spinner rewrites WordPress posts automatically converting it to fresh new content by replacing words and phrases by its synonyms on autopilot using its built-in synonyms database or optionally using one of the best spinning services APIs including:-
- SpinRewriter API
- ChimpRewriter API
Languages Supported: English
Key Features
- Automatically spin wordpress posts
– WordPress Auto Spinner is a wordpress seo rewriter plugin that replaces post words and phrases by its synonyms.
As example, the phrase “smart decision” it’s synonyms are
“{smart decision|good move|smart move)” so if post before spinning contains the phrase “smart decision” , it will be replaced with the phrase “good move” or “smart move” which are the original phrase synonyms.
That turn copied copied wordpress content to unique content . - Spin wordpress post title & slug
WordPress auto spinner WordPress seo plugin has the option to spin post title and also spin the post slug. - Autoblogs support
if you are using an auto-posting plugin like wordpress automatic or any other plugin to post to your blog automatically, then wordpress auto spinner turns your automatic content to unique on full auto-pilot just set & forget . Bulk Spin Support
Spin already posted posts , just select what posts to spin and the plugin will queue them for spinning .Woo-Commerce Support
WordPress spinner WordPress seo Plugin support spinning woo commerce products so you can rewrite woocommerce products automatically .- Manual user interface for modifying rewritten post
You can review the rewritten article before publishing and change rewritten synonyms using a seamless interface just hover on the rewritten word and all it’s synonyms will appear on a list where you can change current syonym - Full control over syonyms databases
You can Add/Edit/Remove syonyms sets using an easy to use ajax interface - Custom Thesaurus support
beside built in syonyms you can build your own thesaurus using an easy to use ajax interface - Reserved words support
You can save words you don’t like to be spinned - Execluded categories support
You can set specific categories to be execluded from being auto-spinned Execluded title words from spinning
You can spin post content and execlude found words from the title- Spin manually written posts support
plugin have the option to spin manually written posts Custom post types support
wordpress spinner WordPress seo Plugin can spin custom post types .- Unlimited number of spinned articles
plugin uses it’s local synonyms databases so it does not require any type of external spinning services Queueing and cron system
WordPress Spinner manage your server resources smartly by queuing all eligible for spinning posts and process them one by one using a dedicated cron job or the built-in wordpress cron job. if you have a zillion post site don’t worry the plugin knows what to do .SpinRewriter Support
By Default the plugin uses it’s internal database of synonyms to spin the posts but if you like to use the external api then it do support it. so you can spin all WordPress posts using spinrewriter so it works as a WordPress seo spinrewriter plugin also .8 New apis supported
Beside SpinRewriter API, more 7 most popular apis are now integrated- API
- ChimpRewriter API
- Detailed action log
Detailed action log stores plugin actions like spinning an article - Multi-Site Support
Plugin is tested to work with multi-site installations without problem .
3. SNIP: Structured Data Plugin for WordPress
About snip – the Structured Data & Schema Plugin for WordPress
snip is an innovative Structured Data and Schema wordpress seo plugin for WordPress that creates Rich Snippets and Rich Search Results. Structured Data is needed to help search engines understand the content on your page and give them explicit clues about the meaning of it. A nice side-effect is that you cat eye-catching search results on Google, Yandex, Bing and Co.
Rich Snippets are also called “Rich Search Results”. Those search results (SERPS) sometimes show stars, images and a lot more. Not only will this push your click-through rate, structured data is also a ranking factor of all major search engines and using it should give your WordPress site a major SEO boost, too.
True Lifetime Updates! No subscription! No yearly fee! Since 2012!
Automate structured data markup
Structured data WordPress seo Plugin in WordPress is a technical topic. Good that you only need to set up one schema and then automate it. I called this feature “Global” snippets. Quite handy are the schema templates that, once configured, can be played out on all your posts. You decide exactly where. You just define some rules and that’s it. All done!
SNIP has extensive schema documentation to help you get started. The documentation has been growing permanently for 8 years now. There is almost no question that has not yet been answered. My documentation can help you regardless of your skill level. If you are completely new, the free Structured Data Course is guaranteed to help.
No question: Structured data helps to rank better with search engines. It’s because of those little snippets of code that tell search engines exactly what kind of content they’ll find on your site. This way, they can better understand that content. Certain Structured Data snippets are displayed on search results pages as Rich Search results, a different way of displaying your content on the search engine results page (SERP).
Increase in Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
There are millions of hits for a particular search. Everyone would like the user to click on their own search hit. This can be done by displaying it differently. Yes! This actually works. And that is through schemas, which are inserted as structured data, in WordPress. Some of them create so called Rich Snippets and Rich Search Results. The search results then look “different”, for example they are bigger, contain an image, a star rating or other data like prices and availability of a product.
Believe me! You want to have this! You’re guaranteed to outrank your competitor!
Add Custom Fields (for schema properties)
The built-in and world’s first Structured Data Generator allows you to configure everything the way you want it. Of course, you want to automate as much as possible. And that’s doable, too. So called “field types” fill properties of schemas automatically and practically differently for each article. You can load data from WooCommerce as well as any data from WordPress’ Postmeta database. You have created fields with Advanced Custom Fields? For the most part, SNIP can also read these automatically and insert them into a schema.
Highly Optimized
I value speed very much. SNIP does not load CSS, JavaScript, images or anything else in the frontend. Structured data is only inserted where it is really necessary. Furthermore, these small text snippets are only readable by search engines. This means that the browser does not have to read and display them either. There is virtually no loss of speed. Even on the server, SNIP is very resource-efficient. Only the PHP files that are really needed are loaded. Ultimately, only on the settings pages of SNIP.
*Important notes
- Please read the requirements carefully before you buy.
- Note that there is still no guarantee if and when that Rich Snippets show up in your search results. Read more about that in our FAQ: When do snippets show up on search results?
Structured data news
Read the latest news about structured data
Awesome fact in February ‘21 New Structured Data type: License for Images
Google announced to no longer deprecate the Structured Data Test Tool. Wohoo!
Awesome fact in February ‘20 New Structured Data type: License for Images
A new Structured Data is currently in Beta from Google: Image License Metadata.
Awesome fact in June ‘20 Google is retiring their Structured Data Test Tool
The Test Tools is no longer in active development. Instead the Rich Results Test Tool is now the best way to test your Structured Data.
Awesome fact in February ‘19: Get “Position Zero” on Search Results
Last week I’ve found a nice blog post from iThemes where Kevin D. Hendricks used the term “Position Zero” for search results. And Rich Snippets play a big role in this. Read more
Awesome fact in February ‘19
Google is testing Event Rich Snippets on Desktop.
Awesome fact in January ‘19
Google has a new “Rich Media” Tool
Awesome fact in December ‘18
Q&A Rich Snippets arrived in Googles Search Results
Awesome fact in September ‘18
Bing has announced, that their Webmaster Tools now has a JSON+LD tool that allows everyone to check if the structured data, that has been included on a site, has a valid syntax.
Awesome fact in May ‘18
Last month SearchEngineJournal wrote about the fact that structured data can improve targeting. And the coolest thing is that Google confirmed it! Here are some more facts
Awesome fact from Nov. ‘17
From a research paper put together with the team at WordLift, presented at SEMANTiCS 2017, TorqueMag documented that structured data is compelling from the digital marketing standpoint.
For the design-focused website, after three months of using structured data WordPress seo Plugin and Rich Snippets on their WordPress website they saw the following improvements:
- +12.13% new users
- +18.47% increase in organic traffic
- +2.4 times increase in page views
- +13.75% of sessions duration.
4. WP GeoIP Country Redirect WordPress SEO Plugin
WordPress GeoIP Country Redirect WordPress seo plugin allows you to automatically redirect your visitors based on their country and a set of rules which you can define into wordpress administration panel.
The plugin automatically detects the country of your visitors and can take the following actions :
– Redirect to a specific page of your desire.
– Add redirect rules for either a specific Page from a dropdown of All Pages, Posts, Categories and/or Homepage
– NEW: Create a Sitewide redirect rule no matter what page/post/category it is.
– Mass Redirect : redirect unwanted traffic by adding a mass redirect rule. Countries without a redirect rule defined in the admin panel will be sent away to a defined location. This feature can be disabled or enabled.
– Plugin Admin Panel inside Wp-Admin area.
– Logging feature to see errors with installation inside wp-admin panel and the latest activity like last country redirected to which URL and so on.
5. Rankie – Rank Tracker WordPress SEO Plugin
Rankie – WordPress rank tracker is a WordPress rank checker WordPress seo plugin that will help you track WordPress rankings on Google keeping a close eye on each keyword position.
As a rank tracker WordPress seo plugin WordPress Rankie will update keywords rank positions daily and generate powerful reports.
it also incorporates a powerful research tool that generates valuable keywords lists Googlers are already using to search.
Key Features of WordPress Rank Tracker
- Track WordPress ranking on Google
Rankie can track keywords ranking on Google and keep updating these ranks daily so it works as a WordPress SERP plugin.
2. Generate ranking reports
Rankie can generate ranking reports per month, per year or by all time letting you know how ranking is going? up or down with details on every single position change for each tracked keyword. As a wordpress rank reporter It also allows downloading these reports as PDF .
3. Keyword research tool
Rankie is not only a wordpress serp tracker plugin but also integrates a powerful keyword research tool that generates huge lists of valuable keywords you can target.
These keywords are generated by catching Google suggestions for your specified keyword by appending all language charachters one by one to the main keyword .
as example if you want keywords about ?weight loss? the WordPress seo plugin will search Google for ?weight loss? returning 10 suggestion results for this term then searches ?weight loss a? returning another 10 results then ?weight loss b? returning another 10 ? etc till it searchs ?weight loss z? . all results returned will be listed for you to check or select and show as a list to copy/paste.