Today we will talk about MISCELLANEOUS WORDPRESS PLUGIN. All plugins are selected.
These are the best and the best ratings. Let’s talk about the main issues without further ado …
1. CSS3 Responsive WordPress Compare Pricing Tables
CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress is a pack of pure CSS3 Web Pricing Tables with 2 table styles and 20 predefined color versions that comes loaded with tons of options like extensive admin panel with live configuration, responsive mode configurator, plenty of options for table, columns, rows and table cells, sliding columns feature, expandable rows feature, active (popped-up) columns, hover states, table cell tooltips, columns ribbons, tick / cross icons and a lot of more.
Extended Features List
- Pure CSS + HTML,
- Intuitive Admin Panel With Live Configuration (Your Table Will Be Ready In 2-5 Minutes),
- 2 Different Table Styles,
- 20 Predefined Color Versions,
- Ability To Enable Responsive Mode,
- Ability To Set Your Own Responsive Steps / Dimensions,
- Ability To Set Different Width Values And Font Sizes For Columns For Each Responsive Step,
- Different Font-Face Fonts To Choose From With Font Configurator,
- Unlimited Number Of Tables On The Website,
- Unlimited Number Of Columns And Rows,
- Columns And Rows Set-Up With Simple Arrows For Increase And Decrease Their Number,
- Possibility To Quick Disable / Hide One Or Many Columns From Admin Panel,
- Possibility To Set One Or Many Columns As Active (Popped-Up) By Default,
- Columns Width Configuration From Admin Panel,
- Ability To Set Columns Width In Pixels Or Percentage,
- Rows Heights And Paddings Configuration From Admin Panel,
- Columns Text Alignment Configuration From Admin Panel,
- Sliding Columns Feature,
- Expandable Rows Feature With Expand / Collapse Option To Show / Hide Table Rows,
- Hover States With Ability To Disable For Columns,
- CSS3 Tooltips / Hints Included,
- Rows And Columns Sorting,
- 20 Predefined Sample Configurations,
- 42 Tick / Cross Icons To Choose From,
- 60 Ribbons To Choose From,
- Ability To Import / Export Configuration Settings And Table Data,
- Implementation With Simple Shortcode [css3_grid],
- Multi Site (WordPress MU) Compatible,
- Possibility To Add Ribbons To One Or Many Columns,
- Loading Plugin Files Only When Option Is Used,
- Documentation Included.
Browser Support
- Firefox 3.5 and Above – Full Support
- Opera 11 and Above – Full Support
- Safari 5 and Above – Full Support
- Chrome – Full Support
- IE9 and Above – Full Support
- IE6 – 8 – No Support for Rounded Corners and Shadows
This Item is Supported
Support is conducted through our Support Forum. We’re in GMT +1 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours in weekdays. In some cases the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours. Support requests sent during weekends or public holidays will be processed on next Monday or the next business day.
We Are Trusted by 100,000+ Customers
We are a team of passionate people with 15+ years of experience and 9+ years of our presence on Envato Market. We specialize in WordPress, design, and development. Please follow us to stay up to date as we continue to craft our works.
2. MapSVG: Interactive Vector maps / Image maps / Google maps – Miscellaneous WordPress plugin
The last WordPress mapping plugin you’ll ever need: Vector maps / Google Maps / Image Maps. All in one plugin.
Vector maps
Interactive maps of USA, Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, and 100+ more countries are included.
Import SVG from Adobe Illustrator
Turn any vector image into an interactive map. Draw your own map, floorplan, or any other image which you want to make interactive.
Import JPEG/PNG images
Create image maps. Use built-in drawing tools and add clickable shapes to JPEG/PNG images.
Google maps
Use Google Maps on their own or extends the functionality: overlay one of included vector maps or any other vector artwork on Google map.
Create custom objects and show them on a map. Add custom fields: text, image, select, radio, checkbox, wp_post, date.
Show a list of custom objects in a directory with search and filters.
Add markers to a map simply by entering an address.
Store locator
Add filter by distance. Search for nearby locations.
3. Directories Pro – Directory Miscellaneous plugin for WordPress
Directories Pro for WordPress
Directories Pro is a WordPress plugin that lets you build any kind of directory such as a community driven local business directory like, Google+ Places, or Yahoo! Local, a user directory, a website directory, a property directory, etc. It’s the most feature rich and versatile directory plugin you can find for WordPress.
Feature list
- Unlimited number of directories
- Disable or enable categories/tags/locations/reviews/claims/payments per directory
- Disable or enable your own custom taxonomies per directory
- Export and import directory settings
- Export and import any directory content
- Directory permission (capability) manager
- Add custom fields to listings/reviews/claims (post types)
- Add custom fields to categories/tags/locations (taxonomies)
- Add custom fields to your own custom taxonomies
- Conditional fields
- Use content display editor to customize appearance of content without any coding
- Create full or partial template files for more control over display
- Hide/show content by user roles
- Conditionally display certain parts of content
- Advanced search form with auto-suggestion
- Fully customizable filter form with live updating facet count
- Search and filter by custom fields
- Search and filter by current location (geolocation)
- Search form shortcode
- Create multiple filter groups
- Conditional filters
- WooCommerce support – charge users for submitting new listings or claiming existing listings
- Charge switch plan / re-activation fee
- Prorated discount
- Guest checkout
- Create add-on plans for additional revenue
- WooCommerce Subscriptions support
- Submit listings/reviews from frontend
- Manage listings/reviews/claims/votes through frontend directory dashboard
- Filter listings/reviews on frontend directory dashboard
- Custom login/registration forms
- reCAPTCHA support (v2 checkbox and v3)
- Guest posting without user registration
- Email verification for new user registrations
- Frontend directory dashboard public view mode
- WooCommerce my-account page integration
- BuddyPress profile page integration
- Ultimate Member profile page integration
- PeepSo profile page integration
- Limit number of frontend submitted listings and reviews (per listing)
- Limit number of frontend submitted listings and reviews (per listing) by user role
- Limit number of frontend submitted listings and reviews (per listing) by membership of WooCommerce Memberships
- Display listings/reviews/categories/tags/locations in list/grid/masonry view
- Show listings in photo/carousel slider
- Configure custom query
- Sort by custom fields
- Display views anywhere with shortcode
- Create a glossary with A-Z filter
4. Newsomatic – Automatic News Post Generator Miscellaneous Plugin for WordPress
Earning passive income? Really?
‘Passive income’ is the ultimate dirty joke online! Sure – we ALL want it – but what do we find inside products that promise it?
You will usually get systems that require a TON of work upfront, ongoing time & usually a LOT of money to keep going.
Most so-called passive income methods are anything BUT passive, often involving SEVERAL of the following:
- You have to build an email list – then master the art of email marketing
- You have to create & sell products – even if you have no clue how to do it
- You’ll have to learn how to record & publish videos
- Spend hours spamming groups on social media while ENDLESSLY posting on forums
- Learn how to write ads, then pay for traffic
Suddenly ‘passive’ becomes more like ‘full-time job’. WITHOUT the guaranteed paycheck.
You can get around this, just by tapping into 100% free traffic & viral content created by others!
Welcome to the future! This breakthrough WordPress Plugin Will Create Self-Updating News Sites and Will Drive 100% Free Organic Traffic For Passive Recurring Commissions!
Newsomatic Automatic News Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge news related content importer, using NewsomaticAPI. It is ideal for auto blogging and automatic news related content post publishing. It uses NewsomaticAPI’s services to turn your website into a auto blogging or even a money making machine!
Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules.
Works in ANY niche – turn your hobbies & interests into self-updating news sites!
What is NewsomaticAPI?
Newsomatic got a dedicated API to work with and to get content from. Integrate the new API into Newsomatic in less than 2 minutes and start creating your own news website.
Also, the new API brings more flexibility. Because the plugin uses it’s dedicated API, we have full control over it, so if you wish to get new news sources added to it, feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Other plugin features:
- v3.1.0 update: Use HeadlessBrowserAPI to scrape JavaScript Generated HTML Content from any website on the internet without the need to install anything (besides this plugin) on your server – tutorial video
- v3.0.0 update: now using NewsomaticAPI instead of NewsAPI – the plugin uses this dedicated API to get content from a large range of news sources
- v2.3.5 update: Ability to replace original post images with images imported from Royalty free image sources (Pixabay, Flickr, Pexels, MorgueFile) – Video tutorial
- v2.2.8 update: Ability to shorten outgoing (post source) links (and monetize them), using link shortener service – example of shortened link
- v2.0.0 update (video about v2 update):
- Added the ability to search articles by KEYWORD (highly requested feature)
- Added many new news sources, full list can be viewed here
- Added the ability to search by article language/country
- Added the ability to search all articles in API database (not just latest ones)
- Run Regex on content and replace by Regex
- A great alternative for the Google News API
- Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
- DeepL Translation support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
- Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – built-in, The Best Spinner, SpinRewriter, SpinnerChief, WordAI and others – great SEO value!
- customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
- automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
- manually add post categories or tags to items
- generate post or page or any other custom post type
- option to add to generated posts a “rel=canonical” meta tag linking back to source post
- define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
- automatically generate a featured image for the post
- enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
- customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
- ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
- ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
- detailed plugin activity logging
- scheduled rule runs
- Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
- Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
- Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
- Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content
5. Premium Stock Market & Forex Widgets | Miscellaneous WordPress Plugin
About Premium Stock & Forex Market Widgets
Premium Stock & Forex Market Widgets plugin empowers your website with beautifully crafted financial widgets that display FOREX quotes and stock market data from many exchanges around the world. This is a must have tool for a wide range of websites – from news media and financial blogs to asset management firms and publicly traded companies.
Take your website to a next level with the #1 best selling stock market plugin!
Key features
The plugin supports FOREX and many exchanges around the globe, including, but not limited to: NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange, Toronto Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Australian Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Exchange.
Intraday (delayed) and historical quotes, key statistics (such as number of shares, market capitalization, dividend rate and yield, earnings per share etc), publicly traded company information, stock exchanges, RSS news feeds.
The plugin supports stocks, stock indexes, currency pairs (FOREX), cryptocurrencies (major coins against USD), equity options (extra add-on required), commodity futures, exchange traded funds (ETF), mutual funds and US Treasury bonds.
Dozens of unique hand crafted widget templates. Ability to choose any color for smooth integration into your website. Compatible with all modern browsers. Responsive on mobiles and tablets.
Static text strings (such as table column titles) can be translated to any language. Numbers and dates can be displayed using a format of your choice.
It’s possible to make the plugin automatically generate and display virtual asset pages (check these sample pages: Apple, Amazon, Microsoft) when some generic URL containing the asset symbol is requested (e.g.<SYMBOL>). The content of such virtual pages can be edited in the backend and can include any number of widgets.
Available financial widgets
- Accordion widget allows to display a list of assets with option to expand each section see more detailed information, such as intraday quotes and historical chart.
- With button widget you can easily create a call-to-action link or button with custom text and embedded market data.
- Card widget lets you display intraday market data of an individual asset (stock, currency pair etc). They can be grouped together to display quotes of multiple assets using the same style.
- Comparison widget allows to compare quotes and key metrics of multiple assets using verticallly oriented layouts.
- Doughnut widget allows to display a doughnut graph of a certain data field (price, volume, shares outstanding or market cap) of specific assets.
- Gauge widget provides a visualization of the current asset price relative to its day or 52 week low / high.
- Inline widget allows to embed market data directly into text paragraphs, headlines, sidebars and other blocks.
- Label widget is a small inline block with latest intraday quotes.
- Leaderboard widget is a full-width block, which provides the latest quotes and some extra metrics, such as daily range, volume, market cap etc. This widget is best suitable for placement in the header of your website.
- Odometer widget animates asset quotes using numbers scrolling.
- Table widget provides a way to display the latest quotes and other important metrics in a tabular form. You can customize the widget to display assets (stocks, currencies etc) and the data fields (such as volume, shares outstanding, market cap, day low & high etc) you need.
- Ticker widget is intended to add a scrolling tape with the latest quotes, similar to those used on stock exchanges, Bloomberg etc.
- Toast widget is a small popup that appears on page load and displays the latest price of a given asset.
- Typed widget makes asset quotes appear using a typewriter effect.
- You can easily display historical line charts of different ranges and intervals – starting from 1 hour to more than 5 years (subject to data availability for a particular asset).
- Table widget allows to display historical stock data (open, high, low, close, volume) of different ranges and intervals.
- Card widget and list widget provide general information about a single publicly traded company (description, industry, sector, website, address, phone).
- Table widget provides information about multiple publicly traded companies in tabular format.
- Map widget displays the headquarters of a publicly traded company on a Google map.
- Card widget displays the name of the exchange and its current status (open / closed).
- Clock widget displays an analog clock with the time in a specific time zone.
- Table widget displays a list of the world stock exchanges with their current status (open / closed).
- Ticker widget displays a scrolling tape listing stock exchanges around the world.
- Card widget displays the latest news headlines and summary from a RSS feed of your choice.
- Ticker widget displays a scrolling tape with the latest news topics from a specific RSS feed.
- Typed widget pulls the latest news topics from a specific RSS feed and animates them using a typewriter effect.
- If you are an investor and hold many different stocks it’s essential to understand their current value. Portfolio table widget allows to track appreciation or depreciation of value of a specific portfolio. You can specify how many stocks you purchased and at what price and the plugin will automatically calculate the current portfolio market value, historical price change, absolute and percentage return.
- Search widget allows to add an autocomplete assets search dropdown. Upon search is completed it’s possible to either redirect a user to a separate asset detail page or display quotes for the searched asset without leaving the page.
- Chart widget allows to visualize relationship between strike and price, volume or implied volatility.
- Table widget provides intraday equity option quotes for a given stock.
Important: Equity Options Add-on is required.
Widget builder
Widgets are added to a page or post in 3 quick and easy steps.
- Customize a widget using intuitive Widget builder
- Copy the generated shortcode
- Paste the shortcode to a page or post
There is no need to manually construct or edit any HTML or PHP code. Absolutely no technical skills are required to add stock market widgets to any website.
Why choose Premium Stock Market Widgets?
- More than 1,750 installations (WordPress + PHP versions).
- 4 years on the market.
- The largest collection of financial widgets.
- Free automatic lifetime updates.
- Compatible with any WordPress theme.
- Professional support is at your service to resolve any potential technical issue.
- New widgets, features and visualizations are added on a regular basis.
- The plugin has been tested against SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, Local File Inclusion and other major types of security vulnerabilities.
- Plugin is built according to the best programming practices and WordPress Development Codex.
- Gutenberg compatible.
System requirements
- WordPress 3.0 and above
- PHP 5.6.0 or above
- JQuery 1.5 and above